Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Young Single Mother's Social Life... pretty much nonexistent. Between, work and school, i have virtually no babysitters. I have a babysitter for when I'm at school (who is only $3/hr. Even so it's still killing any money I have) and then my parents watch my son while I'm at work. However, they want me to works so much that on nights I DO have off, they are so burnt out and can't watch him. I feel like if I want to have any social life I'll have to make plans MONTHS ahead of time.
  Luckily my grandmother is in town from IL for the next couple of days seeing as it is my birthday here soon. My parents actually agreed to watch my son and my grandmother and I got to go out to dinner and just hangout for a bit without any issues bringing a baby with us could arise. I mean, I absolutely ADORE going out with my little man. Showing him off is quite possibly my favorite hobby!
  However, it is always difficult, no matter how angelic the child, to bring a kiddo out with you. First problem is just getting out the door, my one girl friend knows that if we are all going out she's going to get here and I'll have just started finally getting all the stuff we need together. Luckily she's very understanding. Just getting together everything in the diaper bag can be exhausting, because you always seem to forget everything and need to run around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Then theres if the kid wants to ride int e car, if not its hell. Then usually my son is good while were out and about because he's too busy flirting to freak out, but even so, you see some peoples kids just screaming bloody murder. I am very blessed and I know it.
  Regardless of any of those things or how well they go I'm always tuckered out by the time we get home. So it always seems like such a big deal to take my little man out when it should just be fun!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Fly With Me, Let's Fly, Let's Fly Away....

  Lately I've been thinking a lot about travel. I've found that I am constantly enamored with both France (Paris mostly) and New York City. While all of Europe interests me I find myself reading books set in Paris, watching movies set in Paris or about famous people from Paris. The same goes for New York. Although I feel I should mention that part one of the movies set in New York is Sex and The City (but common, who doesn't want to be Carrie Bradshaw).
  The latest book I read that was set in Paris was, "Paris My Sweet". I picked it up at a second hand bookstore near my college. I was drawn to it because of the title and the cover. It looks like a total fluff girly girl chick lit book. And it mostly lives up to it's cover. But beyond that it talks about Paris and the food, mostly the sweets. This book only deepened my desire to go to the "city of light and dark chocolate", if not for the beautiful scenery, then for the sweets. The author was even nice enough to put a list of bakeries the heroin visits in the back of the book (both in Paris and New York, oh right, did I mention it's set in both places? My heaven in a book!).
  One movie that always makes me crave Paris is "Midnight in Paris". To start off Owen Wilson is just a cutie. On top of that he is sent back into the 1920's in Paris. Surrounded by the great writers and artists of the time he finally gets out of the writers block he's been having and writes a phenomenal book about his experiences. It's a great movie, but it goes beyond that and transports you to a place and time where things were getting good, great timeless artists were all around and you could go to a party with Dali and Hemingway.
  I don't know if I'll ever make it to Paris (New York, however, is a definite possibility), but if I ever do there is so much that I want to see and experience I might just have to spend my whole life there.

First Time Mom's UNITE!

  Motherhood is rather interesting isn't it? Everyone can sit there and tell you exactly how it was for them and what they did and what they're children were like, but nothing, NOTHING, can prepare you for it. From the moment you hold that little being in your arms everything is changed. Not just your schedule, or the amount of sleep available to you, all of your ideals about almost everything change. You will do anything for this little sleeping person, you would die for them, and you've only just met them.
  Although, for the mother I suppose you've known this person for a while, 10 months to be exact. Personally I knew that my son would get hiccups every day, it never failed, I also knew that he was happiest when I was sitting talking to my mother. That was the time he moved around the most and the time I was the most calm. Even so, it's crazy that this little person is entrusted to you.
  I had never changed a diaper before having my son. Not one. I babysat but it was mostly toddlers who had already figured out the whole potty training thing. So when I had my son I was completely in the dark about how to do a lot of things. Sure you can read every book there is, still nothing compares.
  Luckily for me my mother and grandmother were there to help. My step dad was overseas at the time so my grandmother drove in from IL and was in the room for my sons birth. My step dad was waiting on his computer to skype after I had my son. My mom said it was only the second time she'd seen him cry.
  I love my son with all my heart but still somedays I feel so unprepared. There are things he does and I just don't know how to handle it. Hopefully one day someone will come up with the perfect formula for mothering, as of now, we all join forces in this fight to be the perfect mother.